Student Dormitory Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
2001 – 2004 | Santarém
The intervention that generates this contest is based on a conceptual model that is developed on four levels: physical and urban planning, that seeks the protection and rehabilitation of the historic center; culture, by creating conditions for effective participation of the historic center as a key element in the everyday life of the city; social- economic, the preservation and revitalization of the existing social fabric; and human dignity and the result of significantly improving the quality of life of residents.
The intervention in this building, whose interest and worth derives mainly from the integration of a centre that holds a significant value as a whole, aims to preserve its unique identity, that it was opted to maintain their main characteristics features, always if possible, between which stand, main exterior walls and inner compartmentalization of where these drift, modulation and design of fenestration, and the geometry of the rooftops. In contrast, was attempted that any of the actions performed on the original building was immediately recognized as such, either by architectural language, either by construction processes and selected coating materials.